Black Sesame Pan Banging Cookies

by ryanllee
black sesame pan banging cookies

These cookies have been popping up on my Instagram feed for a while now and I finally got around to trying them out! They’re based off of Sarah Kieffer’s original pan banging chocolate chip cookies but I removed the chocolate chips and added black sesame paste instead!

black sesame pan banging cookies

These cookies are really interesting to make. The signature ripples are achieved by banging the pan in the oven every couple of minutes. It’s a great stress relief after a long day and makes the whole baking process a bit more fun šŸ˜€

The ripples help to keep the edges of the cookie nice and crisp, while also keeping the middle really soft and chewy!

black sesame pan banging cookies

Black sesame paste really helps to elevate the flavors in this cookie to another level. These cookies contain a lot of butter and sugar in order to make them easier to bang on the pan, so the nutty, toasty, savory flavor of the black sesame really helps to cut through all that!

black sesame pan banging cookies

Black Sesame Pan Banging Cookies

FacebookTweetPin These cookies have been popping up on my Instagram feed for a while now and I finally got around to trying… Recipes Black Sesame Pan Banging Cookies European Print This
Prep Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 200 calories 20 grams fat
Rating: 4.2/5
( 5 voted )


  • 1 and 3/4 cup all purpose flour
  • 2 sticks (1/2 pound) unsalted, softened butter
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 and 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup dark brown sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 tbsp black sesame paste
  • black and white sesame seeds (topping)


  1. In a large bowl, add the butter and beat until light and fluffy (2-3 minutes)
  2. Then add in the sugars and cream together for another 2-3 minutes
  3. Add in the egg and black sesame paste and beat on low to combine
  4. Add in the flour and baking soda and beat until just combined and there are no more flecks of flour seen throughout the dough
  5. Portion out the dough into 1/3 cup balls
  6. Put two dough balls into the freezer and allow to freeze for 15 minutesĀ 
  7. While the dough is freezing, preheat the oven to 350F and line a baking tray with parchment paper
  8. Remove the two dough balls from the freezer and top with sesame seeds
  9. Put them on the baking tray and allow to bake for 10 minutes
  10. While those are baking, freeze another two dough balls for only 15 minutes (and then remove from the freezer)
  11. After 10 minutes, open the oven and lift up the side of the baking tray and bang it against the oven rack to deflate the cookies
  12. Repeat the above step every minute (to get a good amount of ripples) for the next 7 minutes (we want the outsides to be slightly browned, but the middles to be slightly undercooked so that it remains soft and chewy)
  13. Once those are done, allow them to cool on the baking tray before moving to a wire rack
  14. Put the two half frozen dough balls onto another lined baking tray, top with sesame seeds, and repeat the process again
  15. Freeze the next batch of dough until all cookies are done
  16. Then enjoy your deliciously crisp and chewy black sesame cookies!

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Grace November 12, 2020 - 5:46 am

Would this work with black sesame powder instead of paste?

butfirstboba November 12, 2020 - 8:10 am

I wouldn’t recommend black sesame powder in place of the paste since the powder won’t have as strong of a black sesame flavor and ends up making the cookies really dry (which also doesn’t allow for them to have that nice pan banging crinkle around the outside)

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